Tuesday, April 29, 2014

APUSH Review 4/29

For today's review, I reviewed the post-Watergate presidencies and took the corresponding quiz for the last content-based chapter in my Princeton Review book.
SMART Goal for this Week: I plan to finish the textbook and review my Practice APUSH Exam from last Friday.

APUSH Review 4/28

For yesterday's review, I re-read Chapters 29, 30, and 31 and reviewed my lecture notes.
SMART Goal: I plan to finish reading the textbook and my Princeton Review book.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

APUSH Review 4/25 to 4/27

This weekend, I took and reviewed the practice APUSH exam from Friday morning and reviewed the Turbulent '60s and the Vietnam War.
SMART Goal for this Week: I plan to re-read Chapters 29-31 in preparation for the Unit Exam on Tuesday and begin reading Chapter 32.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

APUSH Review 4/24

For today's review, I re-read the section titled "America and the Waning of the Cold War" in Chapter 31.
SMART Goal for the Weekend: I plan to study for the Unit Exam on Tuesday and begin my essay re-write.

APUSH Review 4/23

Today, I re-read the section titled "The 'Reagan Revolution'" in Chapter 31.
SMART Goal for this Week: I plan to finish re-reading Chapter 31, begin my essay re-write, and study the three chapters for the Unit Exam.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

APUSH Review 4/22

For today's review, I re-read the section titled "The Rise of the New American Right" and took the corresponding quiz.
SMART Goal for this Week: I plan to finish re-reading Chapter 31 and get half of my essay re-write and Chapter 14 in my Princeton Review book done.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

APUSH Review 4/21

For today's review, I re-read the first section in Chapter 31 and took the corresponding quiz online.
SMART Goal for this Week: I plan to finish half of both my essay re-write and Chapter 14 in my Princeton Review book and finish re-reading all of Chapter 31.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

APUSH Review 4/20

For today's review, I read through a few pages from Chapter 14 in my Princeton Review book.
SMART Goal for this Week: I plan to re-read Chapter 31 in the textbook, finish half of my re-write, and finish half of Chapter 14 in my Princeton Review book.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

APUSH Review 4/19

For today's review, I finished reading Chapter 31 in the textbook.
SMART Goal for the Weekend: I plan to finish half of Chapter 14 in my Princeton Review book and begin my essay re-write.

APUSH Review for 4/18

Today, I corrected some of the questions I missed on the practice APUSH exam and began reading Chapter 31 in the textbook.
SMART Goal of the weekend: I plan to finish reading Chapter 31 in the textbook and Chapter 14 in my Princeton Review book.